Novel Name : The Wolf In Me

Chapter 3 Accepting My Destiny

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Part 1 A werewolf's fight

"How do I shift?" I asked hoping to build some courage "and why am I kept naked?" I continued.

Mei chuckled and kept looking at my whole naked body.

"The first question is important. You just have to shed your skin by accepting your wolf allowing him to
take control first. The rest is up to the wolf. This is difficult only just for the first time. The following shift
would be easier and less painful as the skin and bones adjust to the change. The second question has
two answers. First, if you shed your skin and change into wolf form, you end up tearing the only set of
clothes you have and..... secondly, I like watching you naked anyway. Those tattoos make you look
good," she winked and shrugged her shoulders in a seductive way.

She was trying to fix the situation she brought me into. Oh, what is she doing to me? She was putting
me under her spell each time I looked at her. It felt like I needed her. A stranger that I only knew for a
day or two.

"I do have one more question," I said watching her raise her eyebrows.

"Tell me why I feel like I need you so much when I have only known you for a few hours? I feel like I
trust you and I feel so confident around you."

She smiled and looked straight into my eyes.

"You are my mate which means that our wolf chose each other as partners."

I stared right into her deep blue eyes frowning, trying to understand.


I kept staring at her as she kept smiling at me.

"Mates," she repeated with a nod. "Are you ready for the first shift Alpha?" She asked enthusiastically.

I realised how much my skin was pulling and I felt ready now but I didn't know how to do it.

Suddenly I felt a jolt of pain in my hands and nails, and as I screamed with the pain I looked down at
them and saw my skin peeling off like an onion. My nails turned grey and started to get longer. My
fingers got wider and fur was coming out from them.

I gasped with shock and screamed again not sure if it was out of fear or out of pain. Mei walked further
back and watched from afar trying to encourage me. I could feel my eyes burning and fell to the ground
feeling pain in my back like it was growing in size.

I noticed there was a puddle of water just below me and its reflection revealed the red colour around
my pupils. I started to breathe heavily as the pain was unbearable. I could now hear the wolf inside me
groan and growl as it was releasing itself. Both my wolf and I screamed and growled at the same time
and I automatically scratched off the skin on my body revealing my wolf's full white skin. Mei stared at
my wolf with her eyes and mouth wide open.

"You are a pure breed Alpha. Impossible.. how can this be?"

I looked at myself in the puddle again with my grey eyes and saw a white wolf looking back at me. My
wolf howled and wagged its tail and I could feel its excitement inside my chest. I noticed that my eyes
changed from grey to red as I looked at Mei.

She started to take off her clothes and put them aside before she started releasing her wolf too. I
noticed that her blue eyes were turning yellow, then as soon as she was turned completely, her eyes
changed back into her usual colour, blue. She was beautiful beyond compare. Her fur was whitish-grey
and it looked so silky, it made me want to touch it.

My wolf walked closer to her wolf, observing it's fur and scenting it. Mei stretched her neck to lick my
face and my wolf returned one to her in acceptance.

I noticed that I was released from the chains as during the transformation my body broke them into
pieces. Mei started to howl raising her head high. My wolf joined in and then they both sprinted outside
and into the deep forest.

We chased each other feeling the wind blow against our furs and then as we reached the small pond
Mei's wolf decided to halt. I stopped right next to her noticing that she was looking at different spots like
she heard a sound. I twitched my nose as I smelled a really strong scent of something wet.

Mei's wolf lowered herself as close as possible to the ground. I sensed that someone was going to
attack soon and my wolf felt it too. It started growling as my eyes twitched from left to right trying to find
the intruder.

Mei's POV

It was the first night to run the forest in a very long time. The danger that you can face in the forest
keeps me from going alone. But now I am running alongside my mate and that gave me the courage to
face anything that comes my way.

Nala my wolf was overjoyed that she has a partner to spend her life with, but fun was cut short as she
could smell and sense another werewolf. The smell was strong enough for her to know that whatever
was here, was close and ready to attack. She sensed the tension of the other werewolf in the air. Nala
looked at Luka's wolf and watched as his eyes turned red and growled with dominance.

The moon was bright in the sky almost full which meant that soon the werewolves would become
stronger than usual and therefore would make more effort to go hunting. We were right in the middle of
their hunt and they didn't like it so sure enough we were going to get attacked.

We could suddenly hear a low growl and a pair of eyes came towards us walking slowly and its front
feet lowered down. Luka's wolf growled loudly to show the werewolf that he was an alpha and he
should back up but the werewolf kept moving forward. He had wet brown fur and dark black eyes which
indicated that he was a wild werewolf with no weak emotions. It must have been in wolf form for a very
long time and his human side was gone.

My wolf started to walk close to her mate and moved slowly not to draw attention. She needed to let
Luka know that he meant trouble and mind linked him.

"We need backup. You still need to learn how to fight," I told him.

Luka's wolf was surprised to hear my voice in his head and slightly twitched his eyes at me for a

Then without a warning, the other werewolf jumped on us and tried to bite Luka but Luka's wolf
escaped on time and once the werewolf was on the ground, Luka's wolf jumped on the beast and bit
his neck with such strength that he killed it immediately. As soon as Luka's wolf turned his head, he
exposed the other wolf's blood all over his mouth. His eyes were as red as fire and I could smell the
pride and dominance coming from his wolf. I could feel how he felt. That freedom that he longed for, for
a very long time. I stared at him in awe.

Luka was a strong Alpha but I had no idea how he could already have this type of strength when he
has just turned for the very first time. There must be something behind it all. A new werewolf couldn't
have all these successions without training, without learning and also impossible to be an alpha without
being born from a family of alphas. I didn't know anything about him yet and though I had a lot of
questions, I was sure he didn't have a clue about his past life as a wolf.

It took me days of pain and agony until I managed to adapt to my wolf, but it seemed like he was ok so
far. I now wondered what else he can do.

Luka's POV

I was staring straight at Mei's wolf not believing what I just did when suddenly I felt my brain sting and I
heard my wolf cry with pain. My body started to shift back into human form and as I was fully human
again all I remember before passing out was my hands holding my head, then I fell on the cold soil
under the moonlight.

I had a vision of myself as a baby wolf. My father picked me up and put me in the cot asking me to shift
as his eyes turned red.

"You don't want me to ask again," he insisted with a soft voice, yet he raised his eyebrows to show me
he means business. That is when I shifted back into a human baby.

"There, there now. One day when I am old and weak you will be taking my place. But for now, you are
my responsibility and I will take good care of you, I promise you, my son."

I could feel Mei has shifted back into human form and held my head on her arms.

"Luka, Luka wakes up, Luka please, Come on," She screamed out in my face.

I started to get my vision back but slowly.

"What happened?" I asked weakly still hearing a squeaking sound in my ears.

"You fainted," she said. "Are you ok?" I groaned as I sat down slowly holding my head.

"I felt great pain in my head and lost my vision," I told her.

She showed signs of concern on her face and I could sense that she wanted us to go back inside.

As soon as I felt better we stood up and I took her hand. We both walked back slowly as I was still a
little dizzy holding one hand on Mei's shoulder into her house naked under the moonlight.

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