Novel Name : The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance)

Chapter 21

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I would take delight in watching him suffer. ‘‘I may reconsider spanking as a hobby if you keep this shit
up.’’ He sounds annoyed which doesn’t even nearly faze me. I have learned that his danger tone is a
complete contradiction to this and sparring is just plain annoying him and nothing more. It’s when he
sounds eerily unemotional that you have to run.

‘’Kinky. I might be into it.’’ I jest huskily in a bid to make him more pissed. He hates it when I flirt even if
it is in sarcasm and I can almost imagine those pale greys darkening to stormy steel right now. I figured
out that his eye colour changes slightly per mood, so yet another of his tells in my little notebook of
useful facts. I have a mental list titled ‘signs that I am annoying Alexi’ which is outlined in hearts and

‘’I think it’s time I took you in hand and worked that attitude out, nothing much seems to work so maybe
I should try something else.’’ It’s a veiled threat, a hint of seriousness but again I don’t give a toss. I
have been getting away with sass for weeks now, and he either has a go, acts like a prick, or
completely ignores me. No consequences for standing up to him, so why should I care anymore?

‘‘Don’t make threats if you’re not going to follow through. Anyway, what do you want? I have things to
do and haven’t got all day to stand around chatting.’’ I give him a tad more edge, remembering I still
have a bone to pick over his secret cameras. Re-finding that little rage simmering inside.

There’s a long silence and I wonder if for the first time I might witness him losing his cool. I push all day
every day, I know one of these days he is probably going to snap and make me regret every single
second of it. I wonder if that time has come.

‘’Either you walk up here now willingly, or I come get you and I will physically drag you kicking and
screaming. Don’t test me.’’ Okay so that tone sends a shiver through me. The calm, low and precise.
He’s really pissed now and I don’t mean in his normally casually almost good-humoured way. He’s not
taking my shit today at all. Whatever his twin has done to his mood, it has put him on one and I am

bearing the brunt. That wave of internal discomfort sobers me, and I swallow down all bravado, getting
that shaky nervous inner floaty feeling. I know where the line lies.

‘‘Sure. Keep your pants on Carrero, all a bit of banter.’’ I relent dejectedly, accent slipping when I am
genuinely nervous, hating that this one tone change can put me in my place so effortlessly. I have yet
to see what comes after that tone and I don’t think I ever want to. Rumours are enough and I know
from the ones I heard out on the street that he’s worse than any nightmares I may still have.

I turn on my heel and stalk out of the office back towards the lift, pulling my card from my bra where I
keep it snugly hidden, to access the lift to the floor above. I catch Lucie glaring my way from his own
office door, peering out like a little troll from his cave and I throw him a huge satisfied smile.

‘’You look as happy as always—must suck seeing me being the big bosses new sidekick, while you get
demoted to book end. How does the new chain to your desk feel?’’ I wink bitchily and walk into the lift
with a toss of my red locks. I hate that podgy little arsehole and I wouldn’t put it past him to smother me
in my sleep given half a chance.

I laugh as a book goes flying past the doors as they slide shut and shake my head at the ridiculousness
of the little imp. He’s got a bad temper when he’s out of Alexi’s earshot but as he’s the size of a pygmy
then I doubt he could do more than punch me in the kneecaps. He fights like a little girl.

It only takes a moment to get upstairs and when I enter the apartment from the main door both men are
sitting on the couch with beers in hand looking completely cosy and weird as hell. Now this is really
what a pair of bookends look like and I have to double take. It’s creepy.

Two Alexi’s, yet not. One all casual and sporty with trainers and a smile, over tropical blue eyes, the
other suited and booted with that sinister frown on his face at seeing me, a grey soulless gaze that
literally goes through you, and I throw on a charming face.

They are equally attractive visually, yet Gino is missing that something special.

‘‘You rang my lord?’’ I do a mock curtsy and Gino breaks into a boyish laugh, amused at me already
and throws Alexi a quick glance.

‘’I can see why she pisses you off little brother.’’ He pushes Alexi in the shoulder and he just glares at
his sibling in the most juvenile way. The great Alexi sulks when in the presence of brothers, how quaint.

‘‘I’m not against shooting you in the face.’’ Alexi frowns, actually scowls at Gino, who just laughs
harder. I have never seen this side to him and I watch with complete interest, it’s like seeing a glimpse
of another person, and I am not sure I like seeing the Great Carrero as a mere human. Annoyed by a
sibling and acting out aggressively.

‘’London?’’ He turns his attention to me.

‘’Yes, Boss?’’ I answer prettily with fluttering lashes.

‘‘Get a drink and sit. My brother wanted to meet you properly, seeing as he has this insane idea that
you must be special. Putting a woman at the helm of my man project and all.’’ Alexi looks indulgently at
his brother, who is still smirking wildly, and I can see a hint of mutual affection in the passing of
mirrored glances. I still cannot get my head around just how identical these two really are. It’s
completely uncanny even the way they are lounging side by side in such a casual man way with one
foot on the centre coffee table each. I guess they really did break from the same cell.

I’ve seen images of twins before, but nothing like this kind of replication. From the mannerisms, the
voice and the hair styling. If they both had the same suits on and sunglasses concealing the colour of
their eyes I don’t think I could tell them apart, tattoos aside. Well, except Gino smiles; A lot. Alexi barely
cracks one, so it’s a definite tell-tale.

I guess they have that psychic thing going on too, like most twins as Alexi shoves his brother, followed
by a look and Gino gives him a weird wave gesture that gets one in response. A whole new little

communication and Alexi throws him another scowl. Whatever it was he didn’t like it and it is so hard
not to stare like a freak at this weird behaviour of two grown men.

Alexi seems so different when Gino is around and silent communication comprising looks, eyebrow
twitters and hand gestures is unnerving. I wander off to get a drink and opt for a whisky on the rocks. I
need something stronger in preparation for opening night and my first official duty as hostess to his
very swanky new club.

We have a full guest list tonight, twenty-five members, twenty-five escorts and some extras working the
floor in case anyone likes more than one at a time. The full staff and security are all getting ready, and
we have a DJ arriving at seven with some strippers for the main stage to keep the party entertaining.

I wander over and sit at the end of the closest part of the couch and cross my legs, swinging one high
stiletto in mid-air. I catch Alexi's usual sweep of my legs, something he does so frequently I no longer
notice it as much and Gino eyes up his brother instead. An eyebrow rises as he does so.

I innocently take a long sip of my drink and pretend not to see the questioning glances. I’m guessing
Gino is amused that his brother can openly eye rape me yet refuses to sleep with me.

Makes two of us Gino.

‘’So, Camilla? How are you settling in over here? I have heard only good things about you.’’ Gino is the
happy charmer of the duo, all smiles, laid-back looks and open enthusiasm. Like a puppy needing
attention knowing he is adorably cute. He’s also a bare faced liar.

It’s … Draining.

I almost choke on my drink and Alexi’s furrowed glance at his sibling says it all.

‘‘I highly doubt that; your brother merely tolerates me because he knows I am what’s best for his little
business endeavour. If he had his way he probably would have strangled me by now and left me in the
river.’’ Alexi’s eyes stray to mine and an unreadable expression as he settles his pale gaze. Probably
mentally agreeing with me.

‘‘Lucie already has that on his priority list,’’ Alexi smirks and Gino rolls his eyes.

‘’I thought you were going to find somewhere dark and airless to put that little weasel?’’

‘’I did … his office. I’m biding my time until he asphyxiates and Dianna can’t blame me for it.’’ Alexi
retorts and this time I smirk at his humour, dry and quick and more my taste. Gino is a too American hot
boy with dazzling white teeth and effortless chatter.

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