Novel Name : The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance)

Chapter 124

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I wake up disorientated and groggy, well rested but so out of whack. I’m in my own bed when I was
sure I fell asleep on the couch during my movie marathon and blink at my surroundings. I sit up
suddenly when I realise that I don’t have my duvet over me, but the throw from the end of my bed and
can only assume I was put here by someone else. I am still wearing my sweatpants and yoga bra and
try to get my bearings. Completely confused at how I ended up through here.

The smell of coffee lingers in the air and I get up warily to stretch and yawn, knowing only one person
would be in here brewing that foul stench, and he is probably the one who moved me from the couch.
He maybe came up and wanted to sit in the living room and moved me for that reason. I shrug it off;
run my fingers through my bedhead before padding out into the apartment sleepily.

It feels eerily still and I can tell no one else is here anymore, but the mess I left on the coffee table has
been cleaned up and the room restored to neat and tidy. I guess the cleaner has been already,
although she normally comes at nine. A quick glance to check the wall clock has me blanching when I
see its past ten a.m.

I didn’t wake up once, not at all. For the first time since forever, I slept right through the night without
sleeping aids, and I cannot remember being moved from couch to bed. No night terrors, no
restlessness or taking an age to pass out. I have slept more than twelve hours straight, and I am not
even sick to warrant it.

I rub my head, wowed by the fact I have probably never managed that in my entire existence and
wander into the kitchen to make myself tea while I mull it over. I spot Alexi’s mug on the draining rack,
upside down, drying from earlier use, a strangely comforting sight. He has been here, just like I thought
with the smell of overly strong Italian coffee but the coffee machine is switched off now. I automatically
feel it to see how cold it has gone but it’s barely lukewarm, meaning he left hours ago.

That little inner drop of disappointment in my belly grabs me and I shake it away as being stupid. I
shouldn’t care if he’s already left for the day and most likely not even in the club anymore. I have no
reason to see him.

It does mean he must have slept here last night, came in at some point after ten because I was
definitely awake at the stroke of ten. That means he did what I asked of him and stayed away for
almost the full duration of my birthday. If he came after midnight then maybe even stayed away for its

The thought surprises me and I double glance around the room to be sure I am seeing this for how it is.
It’s definitely his mug on the rack that was not there last night. He’s the only one who would even use it
as the cleaner wouldn’t. He knows I don’t drink coffee, so the machine is only in use when he is up

It had to be him.

It feels weird knowing he’s been here twice while I slept and yet didn’t try to wake me. He carried me
when he came up to bed and saw me passed out on the couch like sleeping beauty. He put me to bed,
not that it’s the first time but it’s definitely the only time it hasn’t followed sex. He could have left me
there, I wouldn’t have known any different.

I rub my face, trying to push it out of my head and fill the kettle for a cup of tea with one hand as I ruffle
my messy nest of hair into some sort of neatness. My bracelet catches in it and I untangle it carefully,
remembering its existence and stare at it for a long moment.

The small dangling dandelion charm catches my eye and ups the fluttering in my stomach and I ponder
just exactly what possessed Alexi to buy me anything at all. Still warmed by the sight of it.

I can’t deny that his behaviour since I came back has been confusing and contradicting, but I’m not
willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. There will be an angle, I am certain of it. I just don’t care

what it is so don’t need to ever find out.

* * *

After I am showered and ready to roll, I wander down to the club to start my day, of sorts. It’s almost
noon and I am feeling decidedly relaxed in my new navy dress and matching shoes; Conservative for
today and low heels. I spoiled myself yesterday with my new lingerie and bought an outfit that had
three quarter length sleeves, which showcased my precious new accessory. I know wearing it might
make him think I really like it a lot, but I‘m not bothered. It’s sparkly and pretty and it goes with my dress
in all its understated elegance.

The club is already bustling with the early staff that comes in to get the place ready every night. We
don’t do clean up at closing, we do it from noon onwards when we restock and reset the whole place.
That means my staff come in shifts—some from noon to mid-evening and then those who come in
fresh and work till four a.m. It means our clientele get attentive and perky staff and surroundings that
are constantly spotless. I worked out this new rota perfectly and it means I am no longer always
required during the day to oversee mundane deliveries or watch the cleaning staff un-gunk the sex

I am only required when I want to be here and it takes so much pressure away from me. I get to swan
around barking orders and overseeing that all runs smoothly. It’s a much better set up this time from
the one set of shift workers who worked long hours. I’m rather proud of myself for getting it right and
allowing myself to breathe a little easier.

I do a quick walk around to make sure people are carrying out their jobs and then lift the cat food and
water from the kitchen down here to go feed Feral. I’m late today so he will be pacing the car park for
his breakfast and waiting for me in a foul mood—Little grumpy fleabag that he is. I have a bit of a spring
in my step, light and cheerful with a sunny demeanour for no apparent reason. It just feels like a good
day and I wonder if it’s because I had a wonderful unbroken sleep.

I pass Jackson in the hallway and throw him a genuine warm smile and get one in return.

‘Morning, Miss Camilla.’ He beams my way as I pass and I just grin back, full of the vigour’s of life.
Surprising, seeing as yesterday was my birthday.

‘Morning Jackson, I’m off to see furry psycho.’ I giggle at my own title for my little Ginger, heart
brimming with genuine tenderness for the flea-bitten crazy.

I don’t get another step further when a familiar husky voice comes at me from behind, sending my inner
body into an instant explosion of tingles and butterflies and my chest tightens as my heart rate ups a

‘There you are, London! I was upstairs looking for you.’

I pause, breath catching in my lungs as Alexi catches up with me from the lift, obviously having missed
me in passing, and turn with my brightest smile. God knows where he was in this building, probably the
office floor, and I feel weirdly shy around him suddenly. A strange warmth and bubble of happiness that
he is still in the building. I don’t know why there is a change in how I feel around him today, other than
waking up tucked up in my own bed and knowing he did it.

Maybe the gifts? The thoughtfulness behind them?

I don’t know!

‘I’m right here. Where do you think I would be?’ I question him cheekily, definite perky mood at his
appearance and no hint of sassy at all. I feel great and even he couldn’t dampen my sparkle today.

He’s looking unusually suave in casual attire again, a t-shirt and jeans that are snug but not overly tight
and has shades stuck on his head in his messy hairdo. It’s a good look but it’s not my perfectly tailored
sinister mobster, and I feel a tad disappointed in it. He’s hot like this, but he’s smoking in a suit.

‘I left some files on the desk for you that you needed signed. And I wanted to say thanks.’ He grins at
me, all dimples, sparkly eyes and great teeth, looking equally merry today and I wonder if maybe there
is something in the water. He gestures me with his eyes, nodding down and it takes a moment to
register that he’s sticking his foot out and lifting his jean leg to let me see his socks.

I pause as I stare at them, momentarily dazed, and burst out laughing when I notice the little Kingpin
font around his ankle just above his trainer and smile stupidly. Losing all inhibition and breaking into a
real grin of genuine amusement.

I never actually imagined he would wear them and it’s ridiculously funny to me. Alexi can be surprising,
to say the least. If only he was also naked … would have just made it for me.

‘You don’t have to wear them; they were bought as a joke.’ I laugh softly, forgetting myself around him
for a minute and basking in the genuine happy look he throws me back. The air around us gets light
and fluffy and my whole body relaxes in his zingy presence.

‘I happen to appreciate the gift, even if it was bought to put me in my place. London to New York! I love
them.’ He reaches out and tugs a strand of my hair affectionately, a cheeky smile and a glint in his eye
that only serves to make him more devilishly handsome. It sobers me up instantly as I come to my
senses and pull my guard back up; should never get too soft around this man, for anything.

‘I should go feed the cat.’ I swallow hard, moving away and turn back on my heel to get out of here
before this goes anywhere else. He’s in an infectious mood, and I know that means I have less of a
self-defence system in his presence.

‘Hold the door, I’m coming. I have to leave,’ he adds in afterthought and follows me, despite it being the
last thing I want, and catches up to keep pace with me as I get to it with easy strides.

‘Where are you going?’ I ask to cover the awkwardness I feel around him now, and he just pulls down
his shades as sun floods in from the open door as I yank it towards me. Looking all Playboy cover

model like this, and I shake my head to dislodge the giddy weirdness that comes over me with him
getting closer.

Damn this body and its infernal internal inability to not want to get this man naked between my thighs.
He should bottle whatever it is he gives off and sell it to men who can’t get laid. Works wonders on
unsuspecting women.

‘Another of my clubs; I have a meeting with my bar manager about an overhaul of another place.’ His
tone is bright and warm, husky as usual with that very deep sexiness that I could listen to all day. It’s
more evident when he’s being completely relaxed.

‘A club like this?’ I question, intrigued and also a little green with that thought. Somehow having more
than one of my little endeavours doesn’t sit well with me and I double glance at him, leading the way
outside ahead of him and down the steps towards the bowls I keep there for Feral.

‘No … a regular nightclub that I have owned for years; it needs updating and some cash thrown in to
give it a boost. It’s uptown, right in cash central.’ He smiles sexily at me and my stomach plummets as
my insides churn crazily.

Stop it, Camilla.

We walk in two directions when we hit the tarmac of the car park, and I sigh in relief to be getting
control of my libido again. Me to the left and him to the right towards his car, throwing me a glance as
we separate and I stop to rip the can lid off the food with the little tab on top, hoping focus will simmer
my inner tingles a little.

I have no idea why he’s majorly affecting me this morning.

‘You want to come?’ Alexi’s question makes me stop and turn to look at him in surprise as he stands at
his car and opens his driver door.

‘What, me?’ I look around in case he’s asking someone else that I didn’t know was out here, and then
look back to him when I realise he’s smiling at me in wide-eyed surprise.

‘Yeah, you … Girl who made this place look amazing; could use your input over there and some of that
Cam magic.’ Alexi is in a very good mood today, it’s weird. There’s probably something wrong with him,
possibly a bang to his head—especially if he’s inviting me for a ride along to another of his businesses.

He’s all smiles and laid-back charm and I narrow my eyes at him, forgetting about dishing out Feral’s
food as he starts yowling at me nearby in annoyance.

‘You really want my company? On purpose?’ I blanch at him, and he just narrows his gaze at me,
amused but yet not. Looking at me like I might be a bit insane and he shouldn’t have to answer that.

I jump in fright as something pushes against my naked leg, a warm fuzzy sensation that’s completely
alien to me and look down in shock. Eyes bulging with what I see. Feral rubs his face across my naked
ankle for a second, head butting me playfully. Affectionately purring like a maniac, or a vibrating toy and
has another go at meowing pitifully.

I don’t know why this little act of trust gets to me on a major level, but I just stop every fibre of my being
and gawp down at the little crazy furball. He’s showing me some clumsy affection as he rubs his body
back and forth across me in a bid to hurry the deliverance of food, but I just stare. A lump catches in my
throat and I stand frozen, afraid to move as my eyes mist over and my heart swells so achingly it sticks
in my rib cage painfully.

‘I think he’s telling you to hurry up and feed him.’ Alexi points out the obvious, seemingly not as
impressed with this contact and not understanding the significance of this moment. My cat is touching
me … On purpose, by choice!

Feral refused to come near us, no matter how often we came out here and here he is, by his own
volition, rubbing against me gently and purring at me because he wants to. It’s a massive show of trust
and affection and I can’t believe Alexi doesn’t get it at all.

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The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) Lastest Chapters